Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

My office address is 2101 Market Street, Philadelphia PA 19103. This is near 30th Street Station.

How does therapy help people?

Therapy is an experience shared by the client and therapist which begins with an initial assessment phase to determine the best approach for your individual needs. It then proceeds to a "working phase" where you can begin to address your problems and issues, and concludes when you can see progress and believe the issues no longer interfere with your life.

How long does therapy last?

The length of your therapy depends on your specific problem, how long you have struggled with your problem, and the type of techniques we jointly decide are most effective. Therapy will be tailored to your needs. I do both long-term and short-term therapy.

Some issues are "problem-based" and do not require as much time to solve. Others are more deep-seated and may be more perplexing, requiring time to work through.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions are usually 45 to 50 minutes. Children's sessions are 30 minutes plus another 15 minutes to converse with the parent.

Do you accept insurance?

Most insurance plans are accepted. Because insurance has become quite complicated, it is best to call me personally to check if your specific insurance is accepted, or check on your insurance website.

What are your office hours?

10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, by appointment only.

What is the next step for me to get help?

To schedule an appointment, call my office at (610) 644-7415.